Awards Gallery

Welcome to the All-Star Awards Gallery. Every event year, the Greek All-Star™ Awards™ awards the elite of the best Greek fraternity and sorority members for, but not limited to, excellence in academics, community service, performance arts, and career achievement.

Enter Your Name

for potential Greek All-Star™ Award™ nominee selection.

Click on the available links below in order to see Greek All-Star™ Award™ categories, entry finalists, winners, and more.  If you have any question, feel free to Contact Us.

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Greek All-Stars™

Here you will find the list of all Greek All-Star Awards™ winners.  Most Greek All-Star Award winners are announced at the Greek All-StarAwards and, afterwhich, all winners’ names are listed on our site as Greek All-Stars under the year they were selected.  See more about them and other Greek-letter organization members on the Wall of Greeks™; the first ever Greek fraternity and sorority online time capsule™.

Greek All-Star™ Award™ Winners

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Awards Finalists

In this section, you will find the finalists from the tens of thousands of votes from around the world for potential Greek All-Star™ Award™ winners.  Winners for most categories will be announced at the main Greek All-Star™ Awards™ event this year.

Who Will Be This Year’s Finalist?

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Additional Winners

In this section, you will find other award and prize winners, including MVPs (Most Valuable Personnel), scholarship recipients, and contest winners.

Other Award and Prize Winners

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Awards Categories

Here you will find new and updated awards categories, along with awards no longer being presented (Note: Discontinued awards will be shown here for only the final year the decision was made to discontinue it, not thereafter).  Click on the link below to see the All-Star Awards categories.

See Our New and Updated Awards Categories

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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