Greek All-Stars™
“From Millions of Greeks, Rise the 22 Elite™”
Welcome to the gallery of the Greek All-Star™ elite. From here will rise the best Greek-letter organizations, their members, and step teams from around the globe. Below you will find the list of previous and current Greek All-Star™ Award™ winners. Every event year, all Greek All-Star™ Award™ winners are announced at the Greek All-Star™Awards™ and, after which, their names listed on our site as “National Greek All-Stars™” under the year they were awarded. Click on any applicable link below to see the particular winners from that year.
2006 Greek All-Star™ Award™ Winners [rev_slider 2006-Greek-All-Stars] |
2008 Greek All-Star™ Award™ Winners[rev_slider 2008-Greek-All-Stars] |
[rev_slider 2011-Greek-All-Stars] |
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
- How do I enter for possible Greek All-Star™ Award™ selection?
- What is the deadline and criteria for entering and being selected?
Get answers to more frequently asked questions HERE.
* All pictures/photos/images and videos are the property of Carthon Choreography™ LLC or are posted with permission from their owner(s). Copying, downloading, selling, and/or distributing any of them without the express written consent of Carthon Choreography™ or their respective owner(s) is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.