Society Selection Criteria

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Society of Step Masters™ Nomination and Selection Criteria*

Any individual, male or female, who is an active member of a nationally-recognized Greek-letter organization, as explained in detail below (activeare current on that year’s national membership dues for their particular national Greek-letter organization), is eligible to receive the rank of Step Master, the highest individual ranking within the stepping world.  Below you will find the current primary and additional nomination and selection criteria for potential induction into the Society of Step Masters™:


  1. Nominees must be a member of a national Greek-letter organization that has been in existence for a minimum of 25 years and have a verifiable national office and/or has a minimum of 50 chapters and a verifiable national office by the time of the year’s Society of Step Masters™ induction ceremony
  2. Nominees must have a minimum of two (2) years in their national Greek-letter organization by the time of the year’s Society of Step Masters™ induction ceremony.


The Society of Step Masters™: True Masters of the Art of Stepping

The Society of Step Masters™: True Masters of the Art of Stepping


  1. Performance Prowess: Based on video submissions of stepping and step show performances by individual Society of Step Masters™ candidates and video viewing and reviewing by members of the Society.
  2. Society Member Recommendation(s): Being recommended formally (in writing) by at least two (2) members of the Society.  Additional recommendations from other Society members weighs heavily on initial nominations and final selections.
  3. Stepping Reputation and Confirmation: Reputation through the ‘Greek vine’ of the prolific skill and stepping works of a potential candidate, followed by visual verification of that reputation.


  1. Nominees must also be current, active members of their Greek-letter organizations (“current, active members” meaning membership dues for the induction year and the Greek-letter organization(s) for which you are nominating them/yourself).
  2. The decision of who will be inducted into the Society of Step Masters, and later receive coveted Golden The coveted Society of Step Masters™ "Golden V™": The National Greek Fraternity and Sorority symbol of a TRUE Step Masterstatus, is made solely by Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ Society of Step Masters™ members.

  3. Any winner of a Greek All-Star™ Award™ is eligible to be nominated for and/or selected as a potential Society of Step Masters™ Inductee.

  4. One does not have to have earned a Greek All-Star Award™ before being nominated for and/or selected as a Society of Step Masters™ Inductee.

  5. Higher numbers of step show performances aid in the understanding of the mental and physical skill level of Society candidates, but the number of step shows matters less than the understanding of the art form itself and the candidate’s performance of it.

(* As of 08/16/2015.  Subject to change any moment, with notice.)

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