Fiverr®-Sponsored Business Workshop Comes to Toledo’s Inner City

Fiverr®-Sponsored Business Workshop Comes to Toledo’s Inner City

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CLEVELAND, OH – December 03, 2015 – The Greek All-Star™ Awards™ today announced that Fivver®, the global marketplace for creative and professional services starting at $5, has teamed up again with entrepreneur Tim Carthon to serve as title sponsor for his traveling SBI (Startup Business Infrastructure) Workshop, this time in Toledo, OH.  And, in the spirit of Fivver®, the workshop will continue to only costs attendees five bucks.

At Fiverr®, our vision is to shape the future of work, everyday,” says Adam Swart, Marketing Director at Fiverr® International. “We know aspiring business owners crave the type of actionable examples, knowledge and insights that the SBI Workshop™ delivers.  So we’re not only proud to sponsor, but Fiverr® is eager to help Mr. Carthon, through his SBI Workshops™, inspire success in these future business leaders.”

Carthon, a Cleveland, Ohio native, at-risk youth advocate, and keynote speaker, created the SBI Workshop™ to help aspiring entrepreneurs – who live in inner cities – by guiding them from the concept to development stage of their business, right within the workshop.

Most workshops just tell you what to do to be successful, then send you on your way,” says Carthon.  “This workshop helps seedling entrepreneurs set the correct path from the outset by showing them specifically what to do.”

Since Oct., Carthon has held workshops in Cleveland, Ohio at the Carthon Conservatory, in Detroit, Michigan where he teamed up with presenting partner Developing K.I.D.S., and in Warrensville Heights, Ohio where he held three (3) workshops at the 13th Annual HBCU College Fair.  The next SBI Workshop™ will be presented by the Toledo-based performing arts company My5tery Music™, held at the Frederick Douglass Community Center, 1001 Indiana Ave, Meeting Room 2 (3rd Floor), in Toledo, OH 43697, on Sat. Dec. 19, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This opportunity is not only a beneficial tool for those who experience it, it allows my business to give back to someone who helped me,” said Errick Dixon, Executive Director of My5tery Music™, a current client of Mr. Carthon’s SBI consulting business.

 To register for Tim Carthon’s SBI Workshop™, visit

About Fiverr® International

Launched in 2010, by founders Shai Wininger and Micha Kaufman, Fiverr® International is an online marketplace that offers creative and professional services starting at $5. It is ranked among the top 150 most popular sites in the United States and top 500 in the world.

About Tim Carthon

Tim Carthon’s SBI Workshop™ aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs start their business with a solid infrastructure. Carthon is the founder and executive director of the National Greek All-Star™ Awards™, an organization that is focused on becoming the national standard for awarding the highest levels of academic, community service, performance prowess, and career excellence and achievement within the realm of Greek fraternities and sororities and which works with several educational institutions to help at-risk youth develop a love and appreciation for the performing arts.

About My5tery Music™

Incorporated in 2013, My5tery Music™ is a performing arts-based company that provides a unique combination of intellectual, physical, & multifaceted music and performing arts activities & education training for students grades 3-12, using these activities to correlate the desire and discipline in learning the different performing arts crafts to the desire and discipline it takes to excel academically.

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About the Greek All-Star™ Awards™

The National Greek All-Star™ Awards™ is the national standard for the highest levels of individual academic excellence, community service involvement, team performance, and career achievement within the Greek Fraternity and Sorority world.  Handpicked by the members of the Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ and members of the Greek fraternity and sorority world abroad, this All-Star-studded red-carpet awards event showcases yearly “The All-Stars of Greek Fraternities and Sororities™.”  READ MORE…

The Greek All-Star™ Awards™, also known as the National Greek Awards™ and the National Greek Fraternity and Sorority Awards®, is a privately held subsidiary of Carthon Choreography™ headquartered in Ohio.


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