• Down, But Not Out: How 2020 Greek-Life Graduates Rose Above COVID-19
    Down, But Not Out: How 2020 Greek-Life Graduates Rose Above COVID-19
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    2020 Winner:

    Stone Brickhouse

    CLEVELAND, OH – August 28, 2020 – The National Greek Awards™ hosted its annual #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Photo Contest, and this year’s contest was one for the history books, just not for the reason you might think.

    Stone Brickhouse; 2020 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ WINNER, member of Alpha Phi Alpha® Fraternity, Inc., and graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Things have been rough for graduates this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has not only affected large gatherings such as graduations, but it has also affected the current and future economic outlook.

    Because of this, this year the GASA partnered with Tim Carthon’s F.I.T.E. Plan™ Business Academy to give one lucky winner an entire year of ‘Level 3’ membership absolutely free.

    And this year’s winner, by only a five-vote margin, was Stone Brickhouse, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. from Virginia Commonwealth University.

    This 2020 competition had a three-piece unique combination that none of the previous contests had:

    1.) It was the first time the contest was held on the GASA website and not their social media pages.

    2.) The first time GASA partnered with and offered FP business academy membership as the grand prize.

    3.) It happened during a worldwide pandemic.

    Kory Calhoun; 2020 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Runner-Up (2nd Place Winner), member of Kappa Alpha Psi® Fraternity, Inc., and graduate of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University.

    The biggest lesson that I learned while in college is that every problem is temporary and that time will come to pass,” says Stone Brickhouse, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha® Fraternity, Inc. and the 2020 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Photo Contest winner.

    This pandemic is like nothing seen since the 1918 Spanish Flu. And, although it is currently ravaging the world’s population, primarily in the United States of America and Brazil, as Mr. Brickhouse said, this too will come to pass.

    Diamond Smith; 2020 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ 3rd Place Winner, member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc., and graduate of the University of Kentucky.

    2020 may turn out to be one of the worst years in American history, but the GASA is not letting it take 2020 graduates’ joy from them, because they definitely earned that joy.

    The mission of the National Greek Awards™ is to positively change the entire social structure of Greek-letter organizations worldwide.  You can see the Greek-letter organization Students from this year and all years prior featured on the National Greek Awards’ Facebook®Twitter®, and Instagram® social media pages (@GreekAwards).  Watch this year’s winner’s feature video story below:



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    About the National Greek Awards™

    The National Greek Awards™ is the national standard for the highest levels of individual academic excellence, community service involvement, team performance, and career achievement within the Greek Fraternity and Sorority world.  Handpicked by the members of the Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ and members of the Greek fraternity and sorority world abroad, this All-Star-studded red-carpet awards event showcases yearly “The All-Stars of Greek Fraternities and Sororities™.”  READ MORE…

    The National Greek Awards™, also known as the Greek All-Star™ Awards™ and the National Greek Fraternity and Sorority Awards™, is a privately held subsidiary of Carthon Enterprises LLC, headquartered in Ohio.


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  • History Made During The 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™
    History Made During The 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™
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    2019 Winner:

    Bea Dubois

    CLEVELAND, OH – June 12, 2019 – The National Greek Awards™ hosted its annual #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Photo Contest, which features members of multiple Greek-letter organizations who have graduated from college this fiscal year.  In this 2019 competition, it again made contest history.

    Bea Dubois; 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ WINNER, member of Sigma Gamma Rho® Sorority, Inc., and graduate of Liberty University.

    Normally the contest starts off slow with voting.  This year, the votes shot out the gate, and that was primarily due to the ferocious competitive nature of the contestants.  Never before has the competition had as many lead changes. However, that wasn’t even close to the biggest piece of contest news.

    This 2019 competition had close to 50% more votes than the previous year, and even that didn’t compare to the voting percentages of the contestants themselves. This year’s contest winner garnered over 90% more votes than her predecessor and is not only the first person to reach more than 1,000 votes, but she also accumulated more votes than anyone in the history of the competition.

    Kory Calhoun; 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Runner-Up (2nd Place Winner), member of Alpha Phi Alpha® Fraternity, Inc., and graduate of University of Mississippi.

    I am beyond humbled and honored to win the 2019 National Greek Awards™ #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™. I first heard about the contest in 2017 when my soror Amanda competed and won. So when it was my turn to graduate, I knew I had to sign up,” says Bea Dubois, a member of Sigma Gamma Rho® Sorority, Inc. and the 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Photo Contest winner.

    She continued, “Greeks are always shown in a negative light so I asked my friend to take my graduation photos with my Greek stole. I was surprised to know that I received over 1,050 votes as I was only expecting a few hundred. The votes came in slowly but I’m glad that everything worked out in the end. I am thankful to be a part of an amazing sorority and to have an amazing circle of friends, family, classmates, fellow Greeks who helped me win.”

    An amazing circle indeed.

    It was such a rush watching this year’s contest. I’d never seen two front-runners going so hard for their votes. It was amazing and awe-inspiring,” said National Greek Awards™ Founder and Executive Director Tim Carthon, “In the end, out of thousands of votes, Ms. Dubois literally won by only 12 votes. By far, that’s the closest contest win we’ve ever had. It was an absolutely fantastic and positive battle. A big shout out and thank you to our contest sponsor SBIWinners.com.”

    Bethany White; 2019 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ 3rd Place Winner, member of Alpha Kappa Alpha® Sorority, Inc., and graduate of North Carolina Central University.

    It was definitely a battle for the contest ages.  In the end, the wins that mattered most for our 1st-Place Finisher were her educational and career wins. Ms. Dubois received her Masters of Public Health degree from Liberty University and plans on a career as a Cancer Research Scientist. 

    The mission of the National Greek Awards™ is to positively change the entire social structure of Greek-letter organizations worldwide.  You can see the Greek-letter organization Students from this year and all years prior featured on the National Greek Awards’ Facebook®Twitter®, and Instagram® social media pages (@GreekAwards).  The graduation photos featured will also be included in the Greek life photos section on GreekAwards.com and you can watch this year’s winner’s feature video story below:


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    About the National Greek Awards™

    The National Greek Awards™ is the national standard for the highest levels of individual academic excellence, community service involvement, team performance, and career achievement within the Greek Fraternity and Sorority world.  Handpicked by the members of the Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ and members of the Greek fraternity and sorority world abroad, this All-Star-studded red-carpet awards event showcases yearly “The All-Stars of Greek Fraternities and Sororities™.”  READ MORE…

    The National Greek Awards™, also known as the Greek All-Star™ Awards™ and the National Greek Fraternity and Sorority Awards™, is a privately held subsidiary of Carthon Choreography™, headquartered in Ohio.


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  • The National Greek Awards™ Begins its 2018 ‘#GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™’ Countdown
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    Top Three GGFW 2017 Winners - With Ribbon

    2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ Top Three Winners (L-R): Amanda Burgos of Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. (2nd Place), Amanda McLeroy of Sigma Gamma Rho® Sorority, Inc. (1st Place), and Je’nell Hubbard of Alpha Kappa Alpha® Sorority, Inc.

    CLEVELAND, OH – April 12, 2018 – The National Greek Awards™ announces its 2018 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ countdown.  Each year the #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ showcases photos of some of the most amazing and inspiring ‘Greek life’ collegiate graduates and celebrates those educated members accomplishing something amazing: The securing of higher education degrees.   This is done in conjunction with the National Greek Awards’ overall company mission of helping to change the negative stereotypes of Greek-letter organizations and their members.

         “Over the past three years, this contest has become the most prestigious, most comprehensive display of Greek life higher education achievement you will find online,” says National Greek Awards™ Founder and Executive Director Tim Carthon, “And, with our current sponsor, SBI Winners™, we’re looking to make the spotlight on these amazing Greek-letter organization members even brighter.

         The mission of the National Greek Awards™ is to positively change the entire social structure of Greek-letter organizations worldwide.  Starting today, potential contest finalists can enter their photos for their chance at multiple prizes, including a $100 merchandise giveaway from their 2018 contest sponsor.

         You can see last year’s contest finalists featured daily on the National Greek Awards’ Facebook®, Twitter®, and Instagram® social media pages (@GreekAwards) from now until 2018 contest entries close on May 22, 2018.  Afterward, the 2018 finalists will be posted and voted on during the official #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™, which is May 24-30, 2018.   The photos featured will also be included in the Greek life photos section on GreekAllStars.com later this year.

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    About the Greek All-Star™ Awards™

    The National Greek All-Star™ Awards™ is the national standard for the highest levels of individual academic excellence, community service involvement, team performance, and career achievement within the Greek Fraternity and Sorority world.  Handpicked by the members of the Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ and members of the Greek fraternity and sorority world abroad, this All-Star-studded red-carpet awards event showcases yearly “The All-Stars of Greek Fraternities and Sororities™.”  READ MORE…

    The Greek All-Star™ Awards™, also known as the National Greek Awards™ and the National Greek Fraternity and Sorority Awards™, is a privately held subsidiary of Carthon Choreography™, headquartered in Ohio.


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  • Amazing Greek-Life Graduates Shine During the 2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™
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    057 - Amanda McLeroy - SGRho

    Amanda McLeroy; 2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ WINNER, member of Sigma Gamma Rho® Sorority, Inc., and graduate of George Mason University.

    CLEVELAND, OH – June 10, 2017 – The National Greek Awards™ 2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ recently concluded, and it was the most successful one to date.  Greek-life graduates from all over the U.S. submitted some of the most telling and beautiful photos showcasing their pride in succeeding at one of the most difficult things to accomplish in an industrialized society: Earning a college degree.  

    This year’s GGFW Contest included over 100 contestant photos from several Greek-letter organizations from around the country.  Some of those images even include the babies of graduates, which they used as inspiration to make it through extraordinarily trying times during their undergraduate tenure.

    004 - Amanda Burgos - LPC

    Amanda Burgos; 2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ 2nd place finisher, member of Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc., and graduate of Saint Leo University.

    I am always proud to see anyone accomplish something positive, especially something with a high level of difficulty that is also life-changing,” said National Greek Awards™ Founder and Executive Director Tim Carthon, “But to see my fellow Greek-life family members do so, especially with the reputation of Greek-letter organization members in general not being at the height at which I believe it deserves to be, that’s particularly satisfying.  And it definitely doesn’t hurt to win a nice $100 prize on the side, courtesy of Fiverr.com, for that accomplishment.

    This year’s contest winner is a graduate of George Mason University and entered what may go down as one of the greatest Greek life photographs ever taken.  And, like so many higher education students, she also has an all-too familiar pre-undergraduate story to tell, as college is an expensive experience in America.

    097 - Je'nell Hubbard - AKA

    Je’nell Hubbard; 2017 #GraduatingGreeks Feature Week™ 3rd place finisher, member of Alpha Kappa Alpha® Sorority, Inc., and graduate of Kennesaw State University.

    Graduating college in my family in general was a big thing, not just in my immediate family,” says Amanda McLeroy, a member of Sigma Gamma Rho® Sorority, Inc. and the 2017 Graduating Greeks Feature Week™ Contest winner, “Though we didn’t have much, and I knew we didn’t have much, (my parents) still scraped together every last penny that they had to make sure that I was able to go to a college out of state because they knew that’s what I really wanted to do with myself.

    However, the triumph (and some good fortune) through her struggle are part of the beauty of Amanda’s story.

    When I won I was initially shocked because it was such a close race. I didn’t think I would win in all honesty,” she said, “So many great things had been happening to me over the course of the year, and I was overjoyed to add this to the list.”

    Ms. McLeroy has a “pretty complex” future planned as well.  Watch her story below.

    Amanda McLeroy (PLAY Thumbnail 01)

    The mission of the National Greek Awards™ is to positively change the entire social structure of Greek-letter organizations worldwide.  You can see the Greek-letter organization Students featured on the National Greek Awards’ Facebook®, Twitter®, and Instagram® social media pages (@GreekAwards).  The graduation photos featured will also be included in the Greek life photos section on GreekAwards.com soon.

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    About the National Greek Awards™

    The National Greek Awards™ is the national standard for the highest levels of individual academic excellence, community service involvement, team performance, and career achievement within the Greek Fraternity and Sorority world.  Handpicked by the members of the Hall of Greeks™ Awards Academy™ and members of the Greek fraternity and sorority world abroad, this All-Star-studded red-carpet awards event showcases yearly “The All-Stars of Greek Fraternities and Sororities™.”  READ MORE…

    The National Greek Awards™, also known as the Greek All-Star™ Awards™ and the National Greek Fraternity and Sorority Awards®, is a privately held subsidiary of Carthon Choreography™, headquartered in Ohio.


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  • Are Fraternities and Sororities In Danger of Extinction?
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #10: Greek Life)


    Yes, it is true that Greek Letter Organizations have been in existence for  239 years. And yes, it is true that every U.S. President and Vice-president, except two in each office, born since 1825 have been members of a fraternity.  And yes, it is true that a U.S. Government study shows that over 70% of all those who join a fraternity/sorority graduate, while under 50% of all non-fraternity/sorority persons graduate.

    But what is happening to the reputation of the 21st century GLO and the rich legacy that these fraternities and sororities have?  Is it affecting new membership?  What is happening to the current membership?

    Unfortunately, the reports of hazing, alcohol and sexual abuse that are plaguing fraternities and sororities have sparked concerns among university administrators and politicians.  In fact, a South Carolina State Representative, has proposed that congress create a database “where violations, arrests and investigations linked to fraternity and sorority activities at the state’s public colleges can be(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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  • Strategic Planning
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #9: Greek Life)

    Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy.” (Wikipedia)

    Today, fraternities and sororities are faced with the same dilemma that their founding fathers and mothers encountered but in a different capacity: “The winds of change”. According to GreekPages.com “fraternities and sororities were established to provide opportunities for freedom of speech, to encourage leadership, racial pride and academic excellence”. The leadership of the 21st century GLOs once again feel that wind. It’s good to feel change and want to change. But Benjamin Franklin says, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

    So leader, what is your plan?

    Your fraternities or sororities can benefit greatly from having strategic plan. These plans answer four questions for the GLOs(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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  • Why I Chose to Be ‘Greek’
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #8: Greek Life)

    Why I Chose to Be Greek 01

    When I was thirteen, my friend Sharon who was my big sister at church, got accepted to Glassboro State College.  She would tell me about her experiences and about her classes.  One Sunday, she told me that she was an Iota Sweetheart.  I had no idea what she was talking about.  She told me that the “Iotas” were a fraternity and she was the little sister.  She was so excited about being affiliated with them and I looked forward to our Sunday morning talks.

    Fast forward to when I was a freshman at West Chester State College (later West Chester University).  I met a fellow freshman, Charity, who told me that she was going to pledge Zeta because her mother and sister were both Zetas.  Again, a sister was CLUELESS.  The only thing I knew was my new friend was excited about this sorority.  So, my journey began.

    During my life at WCU(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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  • To Snitch or Not to Snitch? The Dilemma of A Leader.
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #7: Greek Life)

    To Snitch or Not to Snitch? The Dilemma of A Leader.

    Dartmouth has recently formed a new task force on hazing, the most recent addition to the multiple committees already addressing problems on campus.  The question is, given how the school has treated Lohse, will anyone ever come forward and speak truthfully about the culture of abuse and degradation perpetrated by the fraternity system? Lohse doubts it.  ‘The message this sends is, ‘Keep your (expletive) mouth shut.’  And that’s pathetic,’ he says.  ‘If someone dies in a hazing incident next year, my saying ‘I told you so’ is not going to bring that person back. It’s not inconceivable that it could happen – people get hurt all the time at Dartmouth.  But no one will ever talk again.” ~ Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy: Inside Dartmouth’s Hazing Abuses.

    This is just one example of a Greek-letter organization member/leader who took a stand by saying, “no more” and then reported it. Because of his actions(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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  • What Happens When Leadership Needs Help?
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #6: Greek Life)

    What Happens When Leadership Needs Help

    Many members of a Greek-letter organization have no idea what the Executive Board of their fraternity/sorority goes through.  They are required to attend the meetings that their general membership may or may not attend.  They are responsible for disseminating information from headquarters to their chapters.

    The Executive Board has to work tirelessly to make sure that by-laws are followed, programs are implemented, encourage and inspire membership and at the same time, hear some members call to complain or whine about trivial things.  However, what happens when leadership needs help?

    If a member has NEVER been in any type of leadership role, that person has NO idea what their leader faces.  Unfortunately, to make matters worse, the news reports in the media about…(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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  • Training Up the Next Generation: Alumni Giving Back.
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    By Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th (Blog #5: Greek Life)

    Training Up the Next Generation: Alumni Giving Back.

    Many times, when a college student graduates, they NEVER look back.  They don’t go back to visit their former professors, they don’t go back to visit their friends, they don’t go to Homecoming.  They just don’t go back at all!  Time passes.  Five years, ten years, twenty years, and still some alum simply do not go back.

    Why not?

    Many reasons are given such as, “I had a bad experience” or “I live too far from my Alma Mater” or “I have no desire to do so”.  We get that.  Life is different and full of new challenges.  You are in a different place.  You now have a career, a family and you are making a name for yourself.

    But wait – what about the undergrads that are now at your former collegiate institution?

    Graduate, don’t you know that the degree that you earned from you former university has positioned you to be a role model?  According to Wikipedia, the phrase “role model” is defined…(CLICK HERE to Read More…)


    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th.

    Lisa M. Bryant, M.Th, Writer
    Member of Zeta Phi Beta® Sorority, Inc.

    Lisa M. Bryant’s Official Blog
    Lisa M. Bryant on Twitter®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Facebook®
    Lisa M. Bryant on Instagram®

    * The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Greek All-Star™ Awards™.

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